World Mental Health Day

So, a topic I guess that's close to me on my own personal level.

I thought I'd keep my post simple today with a little poem I penned from the heart:

Ode to the Words of My Mind:

Sometimes I can’t hear the words.
Sometimes I can’t read the words.
Sometimes I can’t feel the words.
The words are the abrasive white noise of the mind,
-they just shout in that space they dominate.

But sometimes, just sometimes, I can hear the words,
when I allow my drums to really listen.
And sometimes, just sometimes, I can read the words,
when I widen my lenses to open and accept.
And sometimes, just sometimes, I can feel the words,
when my hands break free from the chains that bind.

With practice,
I can quieten the words in the mind.
I can be calm and be still.
I can tame the mind from the wild winds that torment in the harshest winters of my reality.

I can learn to do this with the passing of each ‘now’,
with the patience of my inner saint and the praise of my learned wisdom.
I can navigate through the maze of my own cumbersome thoughts,
to lift poetry off my internal pages and tune those disruptive words,
into music for my soul.

The Mind Traveller x
