Fresh Eyes, New Experiences...

So this weekend has been an interesting one from an experience point of view...

Saturday night

I spent buggled up with my hot water bottle and warm clothes in the cool calm open cinema in Reigate's Priory Park with some of my good friends. A more autumnal evening meant no fizz... more like a hot chocolate kind of night! We were watching with nostalgia 'Pretty Woman'. We sat there enjoying every minute of it. There was one scene that struck me - a pillow talk special! :

Edward: You could be so much more...
Vivian: People put you down, you start to believe it...
Edward: I think you are a very bright, very special woman.
Vivian: I think the bad stuff is easier to believe - ever noticed that?

I connected with that scene, not necessarily because of it's romantic connotation, although admittedly I had wished I was pillow chit chatting with Richard Gere! I could understand the sentiment - believing in the bad stuff, because of ease, rather than believing in your own self worth.

Anyhow, I walked away from the film not feeling I was 'Pretty Woman'- Vivian, but that I too in my own way, had managed to shift my life along from where it was, feeling immeasurably much better off than before. So what had started out as a simple chick flick with my mates, had turned into this 'deep' thing in my head! An old film experienced completely differently with my older head on my shoulders! - I know, you're thinking, 'Good grief Vidya, you need to get out more....'  - I might be inclined to agree with you!! 

Sunday morning

This morning was met with a new challenge. For anyone Surrey way, you may/may not have heard of Airhop Guildford way- It's a sea of trampolines usually filled with a bouncing 'youthful' generation more often than not attending a party...

Last time I had gone there, I was big me, with my 'parent' hat on standing on the sidelines desperately wishing that I could have the guts to just go and jump till I couldn't breathe without self consciousness or worry. Today I did just that with my fellow work teamies. Off we went to experience the delights without any inhibitions. It was an empowering thought to know that between the 6 of us we had lost 36 stone together, and managed to keep it off so far, one day at our own time.  Sure, three kids later, the pelvic floor plumbing needed tightening up, but they say 'prevention is better than cure'. So preventative, cautionary measures were taken, thanks to someone by the name of 'Ten'.., first initial 'A', I think! 

- Unashamed, I tell you- nothing, not even a leaky tap would hold me back from enjoying that feeling of really experiencing 'free', just jumping and hopping on those trampolines and laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! 

Sunday afternoon

Raced over for the second kids party of the weekend. Yes, admittedly these children of mine have a better social life than me at times. This party was a roller disco! And so in the spirit of connecting with inner youth- I got stuck in, again fighting against being the parent sipping my tea wishing to 'have a go' but holding back for fear of what I would look like! Here I am with my middle little pop modelling the more modern roller boot technology, than back in the day.

The special bit for me was noticing the look on his face as he saw me participating! ðŸ˜‰Even the party girl applauded my effort with a 'Well done!'😜 

Inner child, inner me was having the best time this weekend. She had indulged, she had treated and she had connected with adult self in so many ways. When you connect up like that, you remember that you are as old as you feel, and what you aspire to do, enjoy or love, you should just get on spontaneously and do. If you can't bring yourself to do any of them, make it happen- think what is holding you back and begin to make the changes that will help to liberate you from the confines of your own limitations... 

The Mind Traveller x
